How to make a self-care glitter jar
Making a glitter jar can be a relaxing and grounding experience, plus you have a re-usable grounding object at the end of it!
Have you ever made a glitter relaxation jar?
We often make glitter jars at our SARSAS workshops but you can also make them at home. The jars can be useful grounding objects if you are feeling anxious. They’re simple to use and make and can be calming if you feel overwhelmed.
What is grounding?
Grounding is focusing on what is happening to you physically, either in your body or your surroundings. Instead of being trapped by the anxious thoughts in your mind, you focus your mind on your senses (sights, sounds, smells, touch or taste). This helps shift your mind away from your emotions and thoughts. It reduces ‘brain chatter’ and can be calming. There is more information on grounding in our self-help guides.
How can making a glitter jar help?
The very act of making your jar, taking your time over something, and creating something unique to you, is a method of self-care. You have given yourself a task to focus on, just for you. The colours reflect what you want to see, something you enjoy looking at.
How should I use my glitter jar?
If you are having a difficult day, you can hold your jar and move it around watching the glitter and colours dance; fast or slow.
Sometimes, your jar can ground you during a flashback or an anxiety attack. Turn it over and watch the glitter move and fall, concentrate on the patterns they make, and tell yourself what you can see out loud.
Your jar is there, just for you. You created it and no one jar is the same as another. They are all unique and all move at the right pace for them; just as we do…
What do I need to create a glitter jar?
- A jar – mason jar, jam jar, cooking sauce jar etc. – as long as you can tightly close the lid and it doesn’t leak!
- A small whisk (or you can use a spoon)
- Boiling water
- 300ml bottle of clear PVA Glue – very important that it is clear!
- 2 table spoons of vegetable Glycerine – optional
- Food colouring – optional
- Glitter – a few different colours and sizes – amount? As much as you like!
- Ribbon, stickers, paints anything you like to decorate the lid of your jar
How do I make it?
- Boil the kettle and fill your jar just under halfway with hot water
- Poor in around half a bottle of clear glue – the more glue you add, the slower the glitter will fall/move
- Glycerine – this is optional but can make the glitter swirly as well
- Whisk it together
- Choose your food colouring (only one for a true colour) – the more you add, the darker the liquid
- Whisk it together
- Add your glitter! In different sizes, heavier glitter will fall slower, so you can have different reactions within your jar! Don’t be worried about adding too much glitter here, it needs a decent amount
- Now top up your jar with the remaining hot water till the jar is full
- Attach your lid tightly – which you can decorate before or after you have attached it
- Give your jar a shake or a gentle tilt upside down and enjoy your beautiful creation.
We hope you enjoy your beautiful jar! Why not share the recipe with others who might find it useful?!
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