Survivor blog

The power of creativity in healing: songs of survival
Recently, two people reached out to us independently, each having recorded a song about their personal experiences of sexual violence. Their powerful and deeply moving songs serve as a testament to resilience, and we’re honoured they asked us to share their work.

Shame must change sides
In four words, Gisèle Pelicot articulated what all women around the world need to hear. I want to explore the experience of shame as a victim of rape, because sometimes it’s just not as easy as “I shouldn’t be ashamed, so I won’t be”.

Rape Culture: not just a buzzword
A university student, who experienced sexual violence during the first month of enrolling, reflects on the aftermath and the pervasive nature of rape culture on campus and within wider society.

Reclaiming sleep
We recently shared a blog about the importance of sleep for trauma survivors – but what can you do when your own bed was the scene of those painful experiences?

Trauma, Therapy & The Truman Show
It’s a bit of an odd title for a blog. The first two Ts go hand in hand, but what about the third? One member of the SARSAS team discusses how this ‘90s cult classic became an unlikely source of inspiration in her healing ‘journey’.

16 Days of Activism: Q&A with The Flying Child
For #16DaysOfActivism we asked Sophie Olson, founder of The Flying Child, three questions about the importance of activism.

Exploring Trauma Labels
Personally, I have never felt comfortable with the labels Victim, Survivor or Victim-Survivor being applied to me despite having lived experience of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) alongside other adverse childhood experiences.

My faith, my healing journey, and starting those conversations with your therapist
If faith is an important part of your life you may be wondering how this can be brought into your counselling sessions. One of our counsellors explores this topic and talks about her experiences both as a counsellor and a counselling client.