frank blog

Frank’s Inspiring Art Auction for SARSAS 

At SARAS, we are incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by people who go above and beyond to help us listen, believe, and support victim-survivors of sexual violence. One such person is the wonderful Frank, whose recent fundraising initiative not only surpassed expectations but also showcased the power of creativity and community spirit.

A creative idea takes shape 

Frank, a long-time fan of the show Ghosts, found a unique way to sell his Ghosts-themed artwork on JustGiving, aiming to contribute to helping victim-survivors start rebuilding their lives. What began as a simple idea quickly grew into powerful fundraising that captured the hearts of many. 

Reflecting on his passion for art, Frank shared, “Art is something that has always been a part of my life, and was especially encouraged by my dad at a young age. Portraits being a huge part of that.” He also explained his love for working with biro, saying, “The thing I love about doing portraits with biro is that you can see every line, whether intentional or a mistake… I’ve learnt to, albeit a lot more recently than I’d care to admit, not completely discard something just because it’s not perfect.” 

For Frank, art and the show Ghosts became more than just hobbies; “I needed that kind of, not distraction, but more of something that could clear some of the fog. Ghosts and art were that thing for me.” 

The art of giving 

What made Frank’s fundraiser stand out wasn’t just the incredible artwork he created but how he turned it into a social media-driven auction. Each £5 donation counted as an entry into a draw to win one of Frank’s original art pieces, with higher donations increasing the chances of winning. 

Frank also had the opportunity to meet Laurence Rickard, one of the creators and stars of Ghosts, who generously signed two of Frank’s artworks and shared the fundraiser with his fans online. “I’m very fortunate to have met him before the auction went live and that he took the time to listen to me explain SARSAS’ work… I’m incredibly grateful to him.” Later, actor Peter Sandys-Clarke, who played Havers in Ghosts, also signed his portrait for the auction, adding even more excitement to the event. 

An overwhelming response 

Frank’s initial goal was £250, but the response far exceeded expectations. “I’m still very confused by it. My assumption from day one was that even the goal of £250 was maybe a little too ambitious. Then, when we got to £350 within the first week, over £400 in the second, £600 in the third… it’s been very mind-boggling but I think it is a testament to the work SARSAS does,” he reflected. 

By the end of the fundraiser, Frank had raised an incredible £850—339% of his original goal! This achievement is a testament to Frank’s creativity, the generosity of those who donated, and the shared belief in the importance of the work we do at SARSAS. 

Why this matters 

Every donation to SARSAS helps us continue to provide essential services to victim-survivors of sexual assault and abuse. Our helpline, live chat, email support, counselling, group work, and art therapy all play a crucial role in helping people reclaim their lives. Fundraisers like Frank’s not only provide financial support but also raise awareness and inspire others to get involved. 

“Before Ghosts was Yonderland, a show by the same collective, which happened to come out around the time I was dealing with the police in regards to my own assault. That and art were the only things at the time that could pull me out of the sort of headspace I found myself in as a result of what had happened… Combining that with my art and choosing to use those things as a way to raise money for a charity that does such amazing work for victim-survivours regardless of their race, orientation, gender, and identity, has also been, perhaps a little bit selfishly, therapeutic for me.” 

Get inspired 

Frank’s fundraiser is a perfect example of how anyone can turn their passion into a powerful force for good. Whether you’re an artist, a runner, a baker, or have another talent or interest, there’s always a way to use it to support a cause you care about. 

As Frank put it, “Do it! It can be a little daunting knowing where to start, but once you get going, it’s incredibly rewarding. Use whatever means you have to support a cause – fundraising isn’t limited to sports and cakes.” 

We are so grateful to Frank and everyone who supported his Ghosts Art Auction. Your creativity and generosity are making a real difference in the lives of victim-survivors. 

If you’re inspired by Frank’s story and would like to explore ways to fundraise for SARSAS, we’d love to hear from you! Every effort, big or small, helps us continue our vital work. You can contact us at or check out our fundraising page. 

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