Awareness Raising
We are committed to creating a world free of sexual violence. Campaigning is a key part of how we can create this change.
Chalking Event
The SARSAS team spent a cold November afternoon spreading messages of support across Avon and Somerset.

1 in 5
The 1 in 5 campaign raised awareness of the shocking number of women and girls who are affected sexual violence through social media, press coverage, and putting stickers EVERYWHERE!

Future Campaigns
Do you have an idea for a great campaign? Get in touch!
In this section
The latest from our news and blogs

Be the change: how to be an Active Bystander
We can all be bystanders. Every day events unfold around us. At some point, we will register someone in danger. When this happens, we can decide to do or say something (and become an active bystander), or to let it go (and remain a passive bystander).

Kinergy closure statement
We are deeply saddened by the closure of Kinergy, an organisation that has provided invaluable support to survivors of sexual violence for nearly 30 years.

The power of creativity in healing: songs of survival
Recently, two people reached out to us independently, each having recorded a song about their personal experiences of sexual violence. Their powerful and deeply moving songs serve as a testament to resilience, and we’re honoured they asked us to share their work.