Ladies on a hike with views of the city in the background

SARSAS team 3 Peaks Challenge

“We climb for every person who has felt they can’t see a way forward or can’t find a way to push through.”

Staff from the SARSAS team are climbing three mountains in 24 hours to raise money for victim-survivors of sexual violence.

The intrepid team have set themselves the momentous task of climbing the three highest peaks across England, Wales, and Scotland in under 24 hours to raise both money and awareness for people affected by sexual violence.

On Saturday 9th September 2023, the ‘WeClimb’ team of 12 will be setting off to climb Ben Nevis, followed by Scafell Pike and ending on Snowdon. In just 24 hours, they will have walked roughly 23 miles and scaled around 3000 metres of ascent!

Georgie, one of the We Climb team said:
“In completing the Three Peaks Challenge, we hope to raise money for SARSAS so that we can continue to run our amazing services and support our wider community. Our uphill mountain climbs have parallels to the uncomfortable, overwhelming, and often exhausting process of coping and healing from trauma. It is not always linear, and it may often feel like we want to give up altogether. But with support, there is hope that we can see our own capabilities, and to look back over our shoulders and see how far we’ve come.”

Claire Bloor, SARSAS CEO said:
“I’m so proud of members of the incredible SARSAS team who already do so much for the people we support, now, literally, going above and beyond for victim-survivors of sexual violence.
Completing the 3 peaks is such an epic challenge and I know that the training has been tough at times, both physically and emotionally, but I know that they can do it.”

The team are asking people donate to support more victim-survivors and help raise awareness of the devastating impact of sexual violence on our communities.

Have you done this challenge or something similar before? The team would welcome any top tips including good suppliers to get their kit from. You can get in touch via

Find out more about the campaign and donate


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