Support services

We provide a range of different services for anyone who has been affected by rape and sexual abuse at any time in their life.

Read our support service agreement which shows what you can expect from your support with us.

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Helpline, e-support and live chat

Our helpline services provide support and information for people aged 13+ affected by rape or sexual abuse at any time in their lives. You can also find out about our other support services through our helpline.

Two women talking on a bench in a park

Specialist support work

Our team of Specialist Support Workers can provide specialist support to people affected by rape and sexual abuse, aged 18+, across Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

Rocks with words of encouragement on them

Learning disability and autism support

We have a specialist service for women and non-binary people affected by rape and sexual abuse who are autistic and/or have a learning disability, disabilities, and communication support needs.

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Our counselling is for people of all genders, aged 18+ and is provided by qualified practitioners who are trained and experienced in working safely with people affected by rape and sexual abuse.

Three women are talking and smiling in a work shop. There are craft supplies in front of them on a table.

Group work

Group support can be an empowering and healing experience.

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Safeguarding and privacy

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of everyone who uses our services.

Some brightly coloured note books

SARSAS self-help guides

We have a range of self-help guides for victim-survivors and friends and families. Our self-help guide for victim survivors is available in different languages and easy-read.